Old news
(30 March 2009) The workplan of activity 5-01 (National Focal Points training and networking) has been uploaded by activity laeder Sónia Dias.
(12 March 2009) After a period of relative inactivity there seems to be things happening on the EPGRIS3 platform; new documents are available, such as the workplan and discusion paper on the C&E activity.
(17 September 2008) During the ECPGR Steering Committee meeting held in Sarajevo, Theo van Hintum presented a paper, prepared in collaboration with Frank Begemann and Lorenzo Maggioni about the "The European ex situ PGR Information Landscape" as output of activity 2-06 'Link to ECCDBs', the paper can be downloaded.
(26 May 2008) A reflection of the discussion in task 2-06 "Link to ECCDBs" has been made available on the EPGRIS3 site: a Powerpoint presentation prepared and presented by Lorenzo Maggioni and the notes of the following discussion.
(20 March 2008) After a serious period of radio silence EPGRIS3 has risen again. A small group of European PGR Documentation experts, including the ECPGR Documentation and Information Network Coordinating Group (NCG) and the EURISCO Advisory Group (which are largely the same people) met in Bonn to discuss issues related to EURISCO, the NCG, and a few EPGRIS3 activities.
(24 July 2007) A first template for the annual workplan has been developed and send to the Activity Leaders, asking them to complete it for their activity before September 1rst.
(17 July 2007) On behalf of ECPGR, Lorenzo Maggioni approached all ECPGR National Coordinators and Focal Points, and all European Central Crop Database Managers asking them to have a look at EPGRIS3, and either contribute or point relevant experts in their countries in the direction of EPGRIS3.
(12 July 2007) Based on the feedback from the Rome meeting, the 'wishlist of activities' has been adapted, and a HTML list of activities has been made. Further feedback from all contacts have been asked.
(22 June 2007) Bioversity has submitted, besides their input on the 'wishlist' a statement concerning EURISCO and EPGRIS3, this statement has been made available on the EPGRIS3 website :
Statement of Bioversity concerning EURISCO and EPGRIS3.
(20 April 2007) The sub-coordinators have given their feedback on the documents and they have been circulated, with a link to the web-site, to the participants of the Rome meeting.
(12 April 2007) The domain www.epgris3.eu has been registered and the first content has been created and put in the ECPGR format by the coordinator. Documents regarding EPGRIS3 have been written and have been circulated to the sub-coordinators for their feedback.
(6 April 2007) On 2 and 3 April 2007 the members of the ECPGR Documentation and Information Network Coordinating Group and Eurisco Advisory Group met in Rome to discuss ideas about the establishment of a coordinating platform for PGR documentation in Europe. The report is available:
Minutes of a Joint Meeting of the Documentation and Information Network Coordinating Group and the EURISCO Advisory Group - Planning for the continuation of EPGRIS, 2-3 April 2007, Rome, Italy