Ordered by family name. Click on the name to send email, click on the institute name to open website.
Role in EPGRIS3
Johan Bäckman
NordGen Plants (NordGen),
Alnarp, Sweden.
collaborator LSID
collaborator Implementation web services
Eliseu Bettencourt
currently on leave of absence
member EURISCO Advisory Group
collaborator Scope EURISCO
collaborator Role of EURISCO in global system
collaborator Promoting the use of EURISCO
collaborator Revision MCPD list
Frank Begemann
Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV),
Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE),
Bonn, Germany.
EPGRIS3 sub-coordinator
coordinator ECPGR Documentation and Information Network Coordination Group
member EURISCO Advisory Group
activity leader sMTA reporting COMPLETED
activity leader MLS and AEGIS COMPLETED
collaborator C&E-Data
collaborator Link to ECCDBs
Sonia Dias
Bioversity International,
Rome, Italy.
EURISCO coordinator
activity leader EURISCO website functionality
activity leader National Focal Points training and networking
collaborator Empty field issue
Jan Engels
Bioversity International,
Rome, Italy.
activity leader European Collection Information System
collaborator Link to ECCDBs
collaborator Inclusion of in situ and on farm information in EURISCO
collaborator sMTA reporting COMPLETED
collaborator MLS and AEGIS COMPLETED
Iva Faberova
Genebank Department,
Crop Research Institute,
Prague, Czech Republic.
member ECPGR Documentation and Information Network Coordination Group
member EURISCO Advisory Group
collaborator Taxonomic backbone
collaborator LSID
activity leader Link to ECCDBs
collaborator Revision MCPD list
Christoph Germeier
Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants - Julius Kühn-Institut
Quedlinburg. Germany.
collaborator C&E Data
collaborator LSID
collaborator Link to ECCDBs
collaborator Uploading with web services
collaborator Inclusion of in situ and on farm information in EURISCO
collaborator Crop Portals
collaborator MLS and AEGIS COMPLETED
Siegfried Harrer
Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV),
Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE),
Bonn, Germany.
collaborator Scope EURISCO
collaborator Role of EURISCO in global system
collaborator Taxonomic backbone
collaborator LSID
collaborator Revision MCPD list
collaborator Inclusion of in situ and on farm information in EURISCO
collaborator National Focal Points training and networking
collaborator Implementation web services
Theo van Hintum
Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN),
Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
EPGRIS3 coordinator
member ECPGR Documentation and Information Network Coordination Group
member EURISCO Advisory Group
activity leader Link to ECCDBs
activity leader Crop Portals
activity leader C&E Data
collaborator LSID
collaborator Uploading with web services
collaborator Revision MCPD list
collaborator sMTA reporting COMPLETED
Helmut Knüpffer
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK)
- Genbank, Gatersleben, Germany.
member ECPGR Documentation and Information Network Coordination Group
activity leader Taxonomic Backbone
collaborator Scope EURISCO
collaborator Role of EURISCO in global system
collaborator Promoting the use of EURISCO
collaborator LSID
collaborator C&E Data
collaborator Link to ECCDBs
collaborator Uploading with web services
collaborator Revision MCPD list
collaborator Passport ontology
collaborator Crop portals
collaborator New web services
Lorenzo Maggioni
European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR)
Secretariat, Rome, Italy.
EPGRIS3 sub-coordinator
ECPGR coordinator
collaborator Scope EURISCO
collaborator Link to ECCDBs
Afig Mammadov
Genetic Resources Institute (GRI)
Baku, Azerbaijan.
collaborator C&E Data
collaborator Empty field issue
Milko Skofic
Bioversity International,
Rome, Italy.
collaborator Uploading with web services
collaborator EURISCO website functionality
collaborator New web services
collaborator Implementation web services
Raj Sood
Bioversity International,
Rome, Italy.
collaborator Location data quality
Magdalena Svärdh
NordGen Plants (NordGen),
Alnarp, Sweden.
collaborator Taxonomic backbone
collaborator National Focal Points training and networking
Dag Terje Endresen
NordGen Plants (NordGen),
Alnarp, Sweden.
member EURISCO Advisory Group
activity leader EPGRIS3 Wiki
activity leader LSID
collaborator C&E data
Ian Thomas
Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER),
Aberystwyth, United Kingdom.
member ECPGR Documentation and Information Network Coordination Group
collaborator Crop Portals